Monday, July 22, 2013

Mid back pain - Muscle Problem As well as Nerve Damage?

Back pain costly minor ache caused with weekend of throwing a baseball with all your kids or it's going to be serious requiring MRIS, therapy, drugs and even surgery. Most people when they experience back pain wonder if it's a built-in muscle problem or neurological damage. Let's look directly difference between muscle accidental injuries and nerve pain?

Of course if someone thinks wake up hurting never give up on your mind is wondering whether sixty caused by a biotic pull or nerve damage. However if you look like me and the pain persists you start worrying if it is actually more than just a sore muscle.

Let us originally muscle problems and back pain. There are four major muscles of your back starting with the Sternocleidmastoid running along side neck, to the Trapezius of your upper back, the Latissmus dorsal running on top of the back and the Gluteus Maximus. Such muscles can be digested by overwork, quick jerking movement similar to an accident, or theirselves over extension. When and where tendons are weak or unbalanced and injury can is associated causing back muscle do any harm. Usually rest, a little ice and an non-prescription pain killer will control. Once the pain is now away an exercise program specifically made to strengthen the back muscles will really work to prevent back problems a few weeks.

Nerve damage can signal more severe back problems. Nerve damage as a result of an accident or a herniated disc and a damaged muscle pressing against a nerve root. Through to the lower back nerve problems represents the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is that this largest nerve inside you running from the small of the back and down both hind legs. When a disc, or bone or muscle presses over the nerve pain can discharge down a leg or both legs right to the feet. Nerve damage will usually involve your doctor, physical therapy and possibly surgery to alleviate the pressure on the sensation problems.

Whether it's muscle injure or nerve damage back pain won't be taken lightly. If the pain continues for more than a couple of days you're ready see your doctor to determine what type of back pain problem you receive. Once this is known the doctor could decide among a program designed to manage the muscles or nerve. This treatment can cover anything from anyway from taking an irritation pill an a couple days of rest to surgery.

In my case the pain was because of lifting accident and neurological damage. I believe you will have to know and understand what is causing your back pain and search an aggressive approach to stopping the pain and strengthen the muscle. Strong core muscles support the spine and can decrease nerve damage. Nobody likes back pain and yet so many people ignore their bodies through inactivity and/or weight and this is when wonder way they have developed an aching back.


1 comment:

  1. Chronic lower back pain can be caused by quite a few different factors. The lower back is the main support for the weight bearing motions we all go through every day and is particularly susceptible to injury.
    back pain relief treatment in Hong Kong
